Do you wish to obtain the ‘Certificat de Capacité aux Animaux Domestiques’ (CCAD, Skills Certificate for Pets), particularly for exercising activities related to ‘New Domestic Animals’ (Nouveaux Animaux de Compagnie – NAC)? Then, with the Canine Domain, you have found the people you need!

The team at Canine Domain provide an adapted training course, created to assist you in acquiring and deepening your knowledge and experience in the sector of New Domestic Animals including rodents, small mammals, amphibians, birds, exotic fish, insects etc… Even camels and deer in certain parts of the world.

During the 14 hours of this training programme you will have access to all the experience and abilities of our trainers and all support and assistance necessary to explore the general NAC abilities sector.


The training course that we provide is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture. After its completion you will be CCAD certified (the renowned Skills Certificate for Domestic Animals), specialised NAC (NDA).

During this training course you will cover various subjects including the legislation concerning domestic animals, their biological characteristics, specific aspects such as health care and reproduction, in fact all the subjects that provide you, under the best possible conditions, with the skills and knowledge needed to successfully achieve your project.

After completing this training course, once you have your NAC certification in hand, you can, and may, manage and master a variety of activities related to New Domestic Animals (breeding, boarding, shelter management, pet shop management, public presentation, sales, transit…). You will also learn about all the careers related to this particular certificate option.

This training course has become obligatory since the 16th June 2014 for all those with over 10 years of experience in this sector of activities that need to refresh and update their knowledge before the 1st January 2018. It is of course also necessary for all those who wish to practise an activity related to New Domestic Animals.